I don't wanna leave you.
I don't wanna say goodbye.
I don't wanna be apart from you.
I don't wanna be farther from you than I am now.
I don't wanna you out of my life.
I don't wanna you as a memory
I don't wanna be a memory to you.
I don't wanna be a simple person in your life
I don't wanna you to forget me.
I don't wanna forget you.
I wanna stay with you
I wanna say say you hi every morning
I wanna be close to you
I wanna stay close, forever
I wanna you in my life.
I wanna you to be my present
I wanna be your present
I wanna be a special person in your life
I wanna you remember me forever
I wanna remember you forever.
Just stay, to make me stay, hold me tight and never let me go... never. Because even when I don't want to, the time to go is close, but constantly I'm running away. You're the only one who can help me. I'm not asking for everlasting love. I just need time, kindness, a little of love and nforgettable memories with you.
I don't, I do, Stay.
Travesura realizada por Dani Dani a las lunes, noviembre 14, 2011 Etiquetas: Amor, caos, Colegio

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- Dani Dani
- Difícil de definir. Mañosa, enojona, impaciente, dicen que leal. Floja, sacadora de vuelta, ociosa; máquina de sueños, locuras, sarcasmo y una que otra prepotencia. Cada día intento aprender a vivir, pero la mayoría del tiempo fallo. Harry Potter, Green day y Los Beatles de alguna forma me guían. Actualmente me encuentro atrapada en libros de Derecho.
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